geometry rap up


Students wrote, performed and directed their own geometry rap videos. The first ones are up.



We posted a video we created about different kinds of lines.

There is a link to a math practice site in the resources called xtra math. We are going to begin practicing our fact fluency on this website. We can also try this at home.

write your story


We are participating in an online story project called, "Write Your Story" with 4 other schools across the United States. We are writing the first part of the story and submitting some hand-drawn art for it. Then, the other schools will log in and add the events to the middle. Finally the last school will write the ending.

Here is the link to our part of the story:

Welcome Hannah!


Our class is happy to welcome Hannah! Her picture has been added to the "Meet the Students" Pag
Thanks to Mrs. Ceithaml for the pictures from Fitness Frenzy.

In resources, I posted some math strategy files that you can use for building math fact fluency with your child. We will be doing these at school as well.
Students shot videos to explain addition and subtraction math strategies. Check them out in the video link.

students blog


This is the spot where you will find what is new on the website. Last week, the website went up. On Friday, the students began blogging for the first time. Their writing will be in rough draft form. We will be talking about what it means to have a voice online and what it means to be able to respond to each others' writing. 

Each week, the plan is to post pdfs of the newsletters and scans of the math and spelling homework. Thanks for keep checking back.